Concepts in Action

Supply Chain Management is crucial for the company’s long-term sustainability. Given that the company collaborates with a diverse range of supply chain partners, including large enterprises, SMEs, and retail businesses, it is essential to establish ethical procedures that uphold the highest standards of raw materials and maintain the Best in Class standards of Singha Estate's products and services. These procedures encompass regular assessments and examinations, with a primary focus on sustainability, prioritizing key partners, and fostering customer engagement. These initiatives align with the principles of good corporate governance, underscoring the importance of transparency, reliability, risk mitigation, and the delivery of sustainable value to stakeholders.
- In 2022, 369 new business partners, accounted for 5% of all partners were recruited with the criteria of sustainability in the assessment (considering of social and environmental factor)
- In On-site ESG Audit of the major business partners, 100% of which has passed the assessment.
- The major business partners of the company joined the annual seminar or S Day-Enriching Together, accounted for 37.65% of all consultants and contractors of the company. And the satisfaction rate of the overall event was at 85.7%
Business Partner Ethics
Singha Estate has prepared the Supplier Code of Conduct for the first time in 2021 and continuously updated to be consistent with current situation. It aims for Singha Estate’s business partners to use as a guide for business operation with responsibility and sustainable diversity
Prioritizing the Major Business Partners
The company prioritizes the major business partners by considering product types of Singha Estate which have contracts’ value more than 100 million baht. The impact on product directions and the specialization in related products or services is as well considered. In 2022, Singha Estate had 12 major business partners from 3 groups of core business
Assessing the Business Partners
In ethic assessment of major business partners both Self-assessment and On-site ESG Audit, the 4 criteria were established i.e. products and services, business operation, social and community, and environment.
S Day – Enriching Together
Singha Estate organized S Day - Enriching Together on 26 September 2022, to create understanding, awareness and sustainable Supply Chain, including understanding of the social responsibility and sustainable operation of business of the company. The activity was also to emphasize the cooperation of suppliers in carbon management and the sustainable success would be concreted by the cooperation of all stakeholders.
Former actions
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